Safe and Sound Healthâs Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer takes accurate and reliable oral, underarm or rectal body temperature readings. The flexible tip of the digital thermometer provides a comfortable probe for taking temperature readings from both adults and young children. The flexible tip digital thermometer is supplied with a hygienic probe cover and comes with batteries already included. Temperature measuring range of 32.0 Celsius to 42.0 Celsius. Auto powers off after 10 minutes of inactivity. please refer to instructions before use.
Product information
and Sound Healths Flexible Tip Digital Thermometer takes accurate and
reliable oral, underarm or rectal body temperature readings. The flexible tip
of the digital thermometer provides a comfortable probe for taking
temperature readings from both adults and young children. The flexible tip
digital thermometer is supplied with a hygienic probe cover and comes with
batteries already included. Temperature measuring range of 32.0 Celsius to
42.0 Celsius. Auto powers off after 10 minutes of inactivity. please refer to
instructions before use. Preparation and Usage
the thermometer probe thoroughly before the first use, and after each
subsequent use with a damp cloth. To take an oral temperature reading using
Safe and Sound Healths Flexisoft Digital Thermometer Instructions
the flexible tip thermometer on as per instruction inside the packaging. If
used before, the last temperature reading will display on the screen for 2
seconds. The C symbol will flash on the thermometers screen when it is ready
to use. Place the flexible probe tip under the tongue and close the mouth.
Wait for the thermometer to indicate the temperature reading is ready (The
thermometer will beep). Remove the thermometer and check the results. Wipe
the thermometer with a damp cloth and replace the probe cover. Safe
& Sound Health is the UKs most comprehensive range of first aid and
personal care products. Safe & Sound is a nationally recognized brand
that has been keeping families safe & sound for over 25 years.