The Ancol Ergo Dog Tick Tool is a convenient and efficient method for promptly and effortlessly removing ticks from your pet. This approach is characterised by its simplicity and efficacy in tick removal.
By employing this device, one may ensure the thorough extraction of the entire tick, eliminating the possibility of residual tick fragments that may give rise to further difficulties.
Due to environmental considerations, the Ancol Tick Tool was encased in a cardboard packaging with high recyclability. One must initially locate the tick by retracting the fur to effectively employ it.
Ticks can be extracted from canines by applying gentle pressure with the smaller end of a specialised tool onto the animal's skin, then retracting it gradually until the tick is securely contained.
Continuously exert a gradual and cautious force, since the tick will eventually detach itself from the epidermis to which it is affixed. The technique above for tick removal prioritises hygiene by eliminating the necessity of exerting pressure on the tick. Consequently, the removal procedure is optimised and uncomplicated, benefiting both the owner and the animal.